Opt Can’s mission is to connect Canadian consumers with Canadian businesses, products, and services. 

We do that by: 

  • Designing and distributing logos, stickers, and other stuff that draw on Canadiana-nostalgia that Canadians can uniquely relate to and use to promote their own business and/or show their support for Canadian businesses, products, services, culture, and people 

  • Promoting unique Canadian businesses, products, services or initiatives here on optcan.ca and on social media (email or DM us to submit your business and/or businesses you care about) 

  • Providing Canadian owners with advice for better connecting with Canadian consumers including support with marketing, local SEO + content development, design, social media, email, and anything else 

Email Opt Can to: 

  1. Submit businesses to be featuerd on Opt Can’s website and social media
  2. Tell us what you’d like us to create next
  3. Give feedback and ask questions 
  4. Get help with your conneting your business to Canadian consumers (SEO + content, marketing, design, social, anything) 
  5. Donate to help us make and ship stuff (stickers first) 

Email: optcan.ca@gmail.com